Went by the house this weekend and there has been incremental progress. We have a pile of planks and ships lap from the demolition that we have committed to reusing. The trick is maximizing this very limited resource and minimize waste. This takes time and progress over the last week has been a bit stilted. Having said that, what was completed was choice. The great room is starting to realize the design. Contractor Pete, as I like to call him, has been able to clad the pantry and the fireplace completely with harvested, salvaged ships lap and it looks amazing.
Just a couple of pictures to show the progress. As if that wasn’t enough good news, some pictures of my budding hydrangeas, mint leaves and rosemary from the garden. I love the transition to Spring. It means the Winter hibernation is over.
I hope you find some inspiration.

New wall with an old side light, oriented horizontally. It will act as a transom and allow natural light into the new hallway.