I am a creature of convenience. So when I remodeled my kitchen, I needed to store my collection of spices and extracts in a way that was easily accessible. For years I have used tins for spice storage and kept extracts in their original packaging.
I intuitively wanted glass containers for the spices and new lab bottles in amber color for extracts and put the oft used salt and pepper in vintage squat Kerr jelly jars. The spices themselves are in what are generally used for…wait for it…specimen jars. Just typing that makes me chuckle.
But seriously, the jars have a certain heft and elegance about them and I like their weight and feel. Being able to see the spices in glass jars (versus opaque tins) has a practical application, too: I know when I am running low by simply looking.
I store my measuring spoons separated by measurement because I find I use them that way. Tucked near the spices and extract, their placement is perfect for the way I cook and bake and navigate in the kitchen.
I made the shelves to keep things neat and organized and made the labels using Kraft paper labels.
Hope you like it.
Love Always,
Cindy, Lillie and Samantha
As a post script, I am submitting this article for consideration for a feature in Cottages & Bungalos. Stop by the blog when you have some time, there are some terrific entries already:
[hana-code-insert name='cottagesbungalos' /]
- All the Spices in a Row.
- Nature’s Colors.
- Vintage Kerr Jelly Jars.
- A Mix of Vintage and New Vessels along with measuring spoons at the ready.
- In Alphabetical Order…
- In Larger Quantity for Homemade Mustard.
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