Folks…I have been remiss in posting lately. Life is very busy right now and now that I have (finally) chosen a contractor for my renovation, the next month will be off the charts busy between closing, packing, storing and finally, a tag sale to get rid of many things I don’t want or won’t have a place for, post renovation. Then I move into a rental cottage and hopefully, it will be somewhat less stressful once the work starts.
For now, however, I am just trying to keep things easy at home. Where as this time of year, I would be doing a lot of things to the exterior of the house for the summer and also creating a lot of craft projects, I am purposely foregoing all that to keep life simple. So it is easy, breezy summer for now.
I have just added a few summer touches to the house.
I hope you find some inspiration.

I just love vintage alabaster lamps because they easily fit the neutral palette and are still very reasonable priced online and in antique stores.

A table with a canvas top was the perfect size for my found vintage, European bulb trays. A very rustic and rough hewn element against the more refined alabaster lamp and vintage white pedestal pottery.
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