We Remember.

Flags 'n Flowers.

Lunch Sack Luminaries

I think that old houses are meant to be decorated for the holidays.  These luminaries are a project that can change with the seasons.

Lunch Sack Vintage Patriotic Luminaries, with a little patience, are easier than you would think.  I created these in MS Power Point.  The key is to create a custom page size ( to mirror the size of a lunch sack) in the advance options button in the printing box.  You will also want to adjust the type of paper setting (set it for thicker paper) and probably, depending on your printer, use the manual feed tray.  The patience part comes from figuring out which way to load the lunch sack…each printer loads differently so experiment until you get it right.

A little trial and error for image placement and some vintage Victorian clip art and it is a great way to pay homage to the men and women who have fallen.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend.



We Remember.

Beautiful Vintage Victorian Images.

For the Fallen.

Patriotic Finials.


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