For once, I am ahead of schedule. Not even out of April and my front flower beds are planted, the back yard is tidied up from the winter season and the outdoor furniture is out and I am ready to coast for the summer.
The one piece of engineering I had to do was to create a cover for my outdoor market umbrella stand. The umbrella is necessary not just for keeping the hot sun at bay, but also to keep the birds from leaving gifts on the seats of my outdoor furniture. 🙂
I looked on the internet for tables that also doubled as umbrella stand covers, but the ones I liked were $150 – $300. (of course)
So I had to get creative. It turned out well and I am happy with the end result. You can decide if you agree.
I hope you find some inspiration.

Two cedar planters, one smaller and one larger were used. Purchased from Lowe’s, a hole was drilled in both of them to allow them to slide down the center pole. The larger was turned upside down, the smaller was filled with some plastic at the bottom, potting soil and flowers. A simple pressure fit (with the help of a rubber mallet) was all that was needed to create one unit.